Akdeniz Üniversitesi

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Paper Submission

Please keep in mind that choosing the right journal is essential and increases the chance of acceptance of your paper. Because of this reason, please visit the journal’s homepages.

  • Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (DEADLINE: 30 September, 2015):

The authors will send their presented paper in ICJMS2015 directly to by E-mail:  amisaty@gmail.com

If your paper is accepted, you will pay charge with 50 percent discount (for detailed information please visit website of the journal.)

  • FILOMAT (DEADLINE: 30 August, 2015):

Page numbers of your manuscript is at most 8 pagesFilomat expects that one author can have at most two submissions to Filomat per a year.

If your paper is not written in style of the FILOMAT journals, then it will be directly rejected. ( Click for Filomat Template file ) See for details


Your paper can be directy submited to online system:


  • Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society(PJMS) and Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics(ASCM) (DEADLINE: 30 September, 2015):

If your paper is not written in style of the PJMS and ASCM journals, then it will be directly rejected. Please click here for the template file

The number of page of the manuscript must be at most 10.

Only the paper that is presented in ICJMS2015 can be summited.

Please fill the following paper submission form which is only for PJMS and ASCM journals:

Journal *

Author's Names and Institutions: *
Corresponding Author: *
Corresponding Author E-mail: *
Paper Title: *
Abstract *
Cover Letter (Upload your letter as a doc or pdf Files): *
Full Paper TeX (Upload your paper as a TeX File): *
Full Paper PDF (Upload your paper as a PDF File): *
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